This month we are experiencing some strong and challenging aspects

Mars and Jupiter are both square to Saturn and this could manifest as finding it hard to express yourself, you know what you want to say or do but feel held back or controlled.

This can mean sudden outbursts are likely or there are bouts of speaking your truth and then retreating and perhaps wishing you hadn't said anything at all!

If someone had this aspect in their natal chart I would expect that they would have huge inner strength, endurance and one heck of a reserve and the energy used in its more positive expression can change the world, through speaking the truth with conviction and passion but also compassion and love.

On Monday we have an aspect pattern called a T square involving the full supermoon in Aquarius (which is ruled by Uranus) and Uranus (the planet of change, disruption and the future). If you have a lot of fixed energy in your chart (Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus), especially with planets around 25 - 29 degrees you could well experience/be experiencing massive closure or something is feeling very inflated right now and although it might not seem very comfortable at first, it could be all for the greater good. T square aspect patterns in a natal chart are pretty rare and are very significant for that person showing up a lot during their lifetime, its always what I would look at first... they are challenging but rewarding and can really help us become the best versions of ourselves.

The fixed signs are not great with change though so some pushback from outside sources perhaps trying to regain control is likely. On the SAME day as the supermoon there is another T square happening with planets around 17 degrees in the mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) so if you have planets around 15, 19 degrees of these signs, again this supermoon (on steroids) is going to affect you more personally.

So to sum up August could be a real game changer certainly in the collective and even personally. Expect huge shifts and a bit of a

What a full this will be but as they say one door closes...


New Moon in Virgo


We’re now in the build up to the Lionsgate on the 8th