The Eleventh House Forecasts

The Eleventh House, also known as the house of friendships, hopes, and wishes, signifies our social networks, associations, and our capacity for fulfilling our dreams. It represents the role of community, collaboration, and the support we receive from others.

This is where I share my energy forecasts and anything astrological that I feel will be of value to you.

Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Solar eclipse in Aries

The solar eclipse graces us with its last ethereal presence in the fiery sign of Aries on the 29th and for many of us, the last two years may have been quite a journey!

Aries is known for its boldness, enthusiasm and impulsiveness – think of it as the “go-getter” of the zodiac. This eclipse will be like the universe pressing the reset button on our ambitions and desires. Eclipses often bring about change – sometimes gentle, sometimes not-so-gentle – but they always encourage growth.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo

We have a full moon lunar eclipse on the 14th March in the feminine mutable earth sign of Virgo and boy it's going to be interesting to see what comes up over this one especially in the crumbling old world.

Eclipses can bring in sudden endings that make room for accelerated change or plot twists. Some call it a 'time out of time' where it feels like a lifetime is packed into that two week period between eclipses or it seems like it stetches on forever.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

New Moon in Pisces

Are you ready for March? Major shifts are about to take place with Mars direct and Venus and Mercury going retrograde plus the eclipse season and Neptune making its first dip into Aries. This is going to be one of the biggest months of 2025!

There'll be sudden endings with accelerated new beginnings and a major reevaluation of what and who belongs in our lives. Connections can become more soulful and deep or realisations come to us as we won't be under any more illusions.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Full Moon in Leo square Uranus

This full moon is happening in the sign of generous, creative and loving Leo. Expect (more!) drama and surprising turns of events plus passionate and powerful exchanges! This full moon is part of a fixed T- square with Uranus and Mercury and the resistance will be in full swing. It may also make us confront uncomfortable truths. Long-term goals will come to fruition for some of us this week.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

New moon in Aquarius

The new moon next week triggers a brand new cycle for a lot of us... especially for Aquarians, Leo's, Scorpios and Taureans.

Pluto, Mercury and fixed star Altair are conjunct over this new moon. This star is associated with the eagle and if it’s prominent (aspecting a natal planet) in your chart it’s said to give you confidence, courage, determination and ambition to soar to great heights.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Full Moon in Cancer

The full moon on the 13th of January is in the sign ruled by the moon and the most emotional sign of the zodiac... Cancer. This is the sign that traditionally rules the 4th house in our natal charts – the life area concerned with home and family.

This moon would be an emotional one anyway but taking into consideration there are four planets in water signs at this time, it's square to Chiron the wounded healer, AND it's aligned with Mars powerfully driving the moon’s energy even further... we have ourselves quite the first full moon of 2025!

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Caroline Tennent Caroline Tennent

New Moon in Capricorn 2025

All I can say is… don't expect 2025 to start gently!

This new moon is in ambitious, persistent, get-shit-done Capricorn on the 30th of December and it’s the perfect time to set intentions around restructuring your life, career and life goals for this coming year.

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Caroline Tennent Caroline Tennent

It’s the last full moon of 2024 this Sunday

Gemini is the sign of the mind and it could bring closure, clarity, a new perspective and even help us to feel inspired, or alternatively, make us feel scattered, unfocused and overwhelmed!

It will also be in an exact conjunction with Jupiter on the 14th which will expand the Gemini energy and there will likely be a lot of information for us to process this week.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

New Moon in Sagittarius and December Forecast

Somehow we're nearly in December here's what the last dance of 2024 has in store for us...

The 1st of December is the new moon in Sagittarius and is the sign of many things, but it’s mostly associated with long-term goals, long-distance travel and higher learning. This free-spirited energy lives to have fun and it’s also ruled by Jupiter the planet of abundance and expansion so don't forget to set an intention and shoot for the stars!

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

What a week this is energy wise!

And the Sun will very soon be in beautiful fun loving Sagittarius. This mutable fire energy is generally optimistic, loves an adventure and sees the bigger picture. You'll never be able to tame a true Sagittarius and you wouldn't want to!

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

The dawn of a new era

The next 18 months are going to be the most important time of change in human history. We have 3 generational planets and 2 social planets all changing signs within 18 months of each other which is completely unheard of! Pluto moves permanently into Aquarius tomorrow!

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Full Moon in Taurus

This full moon will be in resilient, loyal and sensual Taurus, a place the moon is usually very comfortable.

If you were born under a Taurus moon you're probably emotionally stable, loyal and romantic but once you dig your heels in, you're like an immovable object.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

New Moon in Scorpio and November’s forecast

November really does have it all! It’s like an Eastenders Christmas episode from the 00s! A potent potion of cosmic energy which I'm sure will be dramatic.

Starting with the new moon in Scorpio, the chart is fascinating, 5 planets form two kites which is a rare aspect pattern and if someone had this in their chart I would expect their life would feel fated, like destiny had stepped in a lot in their lifetime.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Jupiter goes retrograde tomorrow for 4 months – what to expect

Since it’s in Gemini there will be a lot of questioning. We’ll be questioning everything – our whole belief system!

It’s a time for introspection and reflection, inner expansion and personal development especially if you have a Gemini sun, moon or rising. It’s also a good time to rethink communication and writing skills.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Navigating the first half of October

A couple of massive solar flares are due to hit Earth tomorrow which will affect everyone, they’re of huge benefit to us and our ascension. The partial solar eclipse felt like a shift at the start of the week and there's also a trine this week (free flowing energy) between Saturn and Venus (good for looking at finances and getting them in check) and a Sun Mercury conjunction (good for anything that requires mental activity).

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

New Moon solar eclipse in Libra on Wednesday

You may notice this Libran energy is helping you find the calm in the chaos of eclipse season.

I'm just returning from a weekend of achieving a personal fitness goal and being in the beauty of nature It was also a time to reflect on what I was manifesting 6 months ago around equinox and what has come to fruition and 6 months is a good time tracker, your intentions will either be highlighted to you again or becoming a reality

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

Full Moon with a partial eclipse in Pisces

If you're up at around 3am you might be able to catch the full moon partial eclipse on Wednesday morning but we are already in the energy and the eclipse season is well underway!

The Eclipse window (from Wednesday until 2nd Oct) can feel like a time warp and there's bound to be some interesting things happen in the world, general themes to come up could be around health, water (flooding for example) deciphering fact from fiction and illusion.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

New Moon in Virgo

With the sun and moon in this analytical, organised energy you well have felt the urge to sort your life out over the last couple of days! It's a great energy to set intentions around new healthy habits and routines.

This month 4 planets change signs and the great disruptor and the great awakener Uranus started its retrograde motion yesterday until 30th January, this will no doubt have quite an impact on the world, it will bring twists, turns and surprises.

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

This month we are experiencing some strong and challenging aspects

This can mean sudden outbursts are likely or there are bouts of speaking your truth and then retreating and perhaps wishing you hadn't said anything at all!

This can mean sudden outbursts are likely or there are bouts of speaking your truth and then retreating and perhaps wishing you hadn't said anything at all!

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Sophie Williams Sophie Williams

We’re now in the build up to the Lionsgate on the 8th

The sun and moon are both in the fixed fire sign of Leo this weekend. We're in a powerful time energetically, and staying in joy, peace and love as much as possible is more important than ever. It will not only help the collective frequency but will also enable peak manifestation power. This is a new moon of creativity, the inner child and one to focus on the areas you want to shine in over the next 6 months.

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