Full Moon with a partial eclipse in Pisces
If you're up at around 3am you might be able to catch the full moon partial eclipse on Wednesday morning but we are already in the energy and the eclipse season is well underway!
The Eclipse window (from Wednesday until 2nd Oct) can feel like a time warp and there's bound to be some interesting things happen in the world, general themes to come up could be around health, water (flooding for example) deciphering fact from fiction and illusion.
This time its in the water sign of Pisces (Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio likely to feel this more acutely one way or the other) You might well feel like fate has stepped in somehow, seeing things you didn't see before, things that no longer belong in your life are illuminated such as toxic habits and addictions or if you managed to step out of a cycle of behaviour at the last eclipse, you're somehow reminded of how far you've come at this time.
Chiron the wounded healer and Jupiter are very key this week too which means there is huge opportunity for deep healing and renewal.
The sun opposite neptune also bring in reality shocks potentially espiecially towards the end of the week but this also opens up new creative opportunities.
On Sunday it's beautiful libra equinox, time to find a balance between mind, body and spirit, be with the ones that lift you up, avoid conflict and be in love