New Moon solar eclipse in Libra on Wednesday

You may notice this Libran energy is helping you find the calm in the chaos of eclipse season.

I'm just returning from a weekend of achieving a personal fitness goal and being in the beauty of nature It was also a time to reflect on what I was manifesting 6 months ago around equinox and what has come to fruition and 6 months is a good time tracker, your intentions will either be highlighted to you again or becoming a reality.

It’s a new moon solar eclipse in Libra on Wednesday so super powerful, a new moon to generally set intentions, especially around our personal relationships, maybe to find a balance between being there for others without giving too much of yourself or keeping an equilibrium between light and dark by intentional engagement. It is also very related to justice and the law so these themes could well be showing up right now. What house area does Libra rule for you? As you might want to specifically set an intention in that area of life.

This new moon will be square to Mars in Cancer which could bring up frustration with decision making or impatience you've not started something you've been really really meaning to. It will also be in opposition north node in Aries so a see-saw of wanting change right NOW and forging forward on your path and being pulled back to the here and now. This coming week is all about reminding us that slow and steady wins the race.

Caroline Tennent

I’m a web designer and I love creating beautiful, affordable websites that work hard for small businesses. Simply put, a business needs a website to reach more customers. It needs to look good but it also needs to work hard. That’s where I can help, I build cost-effective, good looking websites that are both mobile and google friendly.

Full Moon with a partial eclipse in Pisces