Navigating the first half of October

A couple of massive solar flares are due to hit Earth tomorrow which will affect us all, benefiting our ascension. They’re of huge benefit to us and our ascension. The partial solar eclipse felt like a shift at the start of the week and there's also a trine this week (free flowing energy) between Saturn and Venus (good for looking at finances and getting them in check) and a Sun Mercury conjunction (good for anything that requires mental activity).

But... there's a but…

October is not going to be an easy month especially mid-month.

This is the last full month of Pluto in Capricorn at the critical 29th degree where it always expresses in the extreme. On the 12th it stations direct and it will then have its last chance to bring down what no longer serves us in all things Capricorn related and that existed in the old 3D world and we can begin the rebirth process. It moves properly into Aquarius on the 19th November for 20 years and the power will then begin to be with the people and not the hierarchy.

The full moon in Aries on the 17th will be square (creating a challenging aspect) to Mars and Pluto retrograde, in fact, the whole chart for the full moon is very interesting (it forms a rare aspect pattern called a cardinal grand cross) so the whole week running up to and on the full moon itself is likely to be intense, action-oriented and dramatic. Any babies born around this time would have a very dynamic chart indeed.

On a personal level, this could be very helpful energy for leading the way in something and taking the reigns. if you have any planets between 22 - 29 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn you are very likely to be feeling this very acutely in one way or the other.

Jupiter goes retrograde on the 9th Oct which gives opportunity for internal growth over next 4 months especially all the Geminis.

If you would like a reading with me do look at my Astrology page and get in touch.


Jupiter goes retrograde tomorrow for 4 months – what to expect


New Moon solar eclipse in Libra on Wednesday