My obsession, and regular nighttime ritual, is studying any birth chart I can get my hands on! Astrology is like delving into a whole new secret wonderful world and gives you an insight into your soul's journey and life path. The moment you were born the heavens froze and this mystical blueprint mapped out your psychological profile - a birth chart. How this manifests though is completely up to you.
An astrology chart – also called a birth chart or natal chart – is a snapshot of the position of the planets on the day you were born. It contains powerful information about the types of energies you were exposed to at your exact moment of birth. On a personal level, it also speaks of your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for growth, and the absolute best (and worst) times to make big life changes.
There are hard aspects that challenge us but give us opportunities for growth and soft aspects that assist us as the energy just flows naturally and there are transits that can surge us forward or are considerably hard to wade through but are completely necessary… even the dreaded Saturn return! I can help you identify these aspects and become the best version of yourself.
I can't tell the future but I can guide you on to the path that the universe has in store for you as it's all there in your natal chart. If you have a specific question, have come to a bit of a crossroads in life or just would like to have an overall picture of what is happening right now and what could be coming up energy-wise, this could be for you.

Astrological Readings
At birth, we are all born with a magical chart that defines who we are at our core. Each of us is born under a Zodiac sign, but the birth chart gives us a far more detailed insight into who we really are, from how we express ourselves, our love life, our luck, our challenges and our opportunities.
COST: £55
Transits show where the planets currently are and the effect they may be having on your life. They can help you understand the meaning behind certain life events and the lessons they bring. It can also help you understand the energy around the year ahead to help you plan more easily.
COST: £75
Once you know the core compatibility between you and your romantic partner you’ll have a better idea of what you can expect from your relationship. You’ll discover what's really going on between you and your partner and how you can navigate your differences.
COST: £65
Your Sun sign relates to your "sense of self," which speaks of your identity and the light you came to shine to the world. The Sun is our ego. We revolve around the sun, just as the Planets do. The Sun is our basic identity, who we are at our core. It gives us vitality and light in the darkness. The Sun shows us who we are learning to be, who we are becoming, and who we truly are. The Sun is our purpose, our path; where we put our energy in. The Sun tells us how we will leave our mark on the world.
Your moon sign relates to your emotions, which is the part of your personality that comes out in private and ‘behind closed doors’. The Moon represents our dark, emotional selves. It’s how we display comfort, how we display emotions and who we are when we are alone. It's our instincts, how we react to situations, and our sense of security. The Moon is linked to the mother and child, it represents our inner mother and our inner child. The Moon shows us how we protect ourselves. The Moon is the mediator of both our inner and outer world. Some people find that their Moon sign best represents their personality.
Your Mercury sign depicts your thought process, as well as the way you communicate with the outside world. Mercury is the planet that shows us how we communicate. It represents our day-to-day expression. We learn to understand how we work in groups, break down problems, and process information through Mercury. Mercury rules how we approach others, exchange ideas; how we get our point across. Mercury is a prominent Planet in our chart, it has an intense effect on who we are in our everyday life.
Your Venus sign speaks of the way you attract what you want as well as what (and who) you like or dislike. Venus, the planet of love. Venus rules what we value, our sentiments, and our love language. We learn about what our taste is, what our pleasures in life are, and our artistic values. Anything and everything beautiful is within Venus. Venus rules the attachment to others and what kind of love we look for in a person. Venus also shows us what we spend our money on, what luxuries we look for, and what we treat ourselves with.
Your Mars sign speaks about the way you express your ambition and go after what you want. Mars is the ruler of our instincts, our actions, our sex and our aggression. Our sexual desires come under Mars, it rules our body's attraction and sexual expression. This is the Planet of action. Our will and motivation are from Mars. Mars is the push to get out of bed, the push to finish that project, the push to be active; our drive in everyday life. This Planet also shows where our impulses are, our aggressions, and where we can be forceful.
Your Jupiter sign depicts your philosophy of life as well as the way you attract luck and abundance. Jupiter is the first of the social planets. Jupiter is the ruler of broader purpose, freedom, reach and gratitude. Jupiter has been associated with mental and spiritual growth. Jupiter displays our generosity and tolerance. Jupiter holds our wisdom and understanding. It's the Planet that shows us how to expand and grow with deeper understanding.
Your Saturn sign speaks of your sense of responsibility as well as the area of life in which you become a master. Saturn is the planet of responsibility, limitations and restriction. Saturn brings structure and meaning to our world. Saturn is the responsible planet, it reminds us of the realities we face. Our self-control and commitments are brought to us through Saturn. It's the Planet that is associated with a father authority. It brings discipline, rules, regulations and maturity. Saturn brings us lessons to help us grow in life.
Your Uranus sign signals your mental brilliance as well as the area of life in which you seek freedom. Uranus is associated with the heavens and skies. It’s known to show us progression and enlightenment. Uranus celebrates individuality, it brings uniqueness and discovery. This planet also shows us our innovative side. It rules rebellion, where you’ll stir things up, and puts a new spin on things. Uranus is that part of us where we refuse to blend in.
Your Neptune sign speaks to your taste in music and art as well as the blind spots you might experience. Neptune rules our spirituality, our dreams, our illusions. Neptune is associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. Neptune is our physic energy, our daydreaming Planet. Neptune rules the invisible realm we all visit in our dreams. It dissolves boundaries. It gives us a poetic outlook on life, it helps us see the beauty in every way possible; our imagination takes over.
Your Pluto sign speaks of the evolution of your soul as well as the ways you will transform in this lifetime. Pluto is the “underworld” its the Planet that shows us below the surface. It's associated with renewal and rebirth, spiritual rebirth, beginnings and endings. Pluto shows us where we see power struggles and issues of control. Pluto is a Planet you share among a generation. Pluto influences us to find a deeper meaning, a willingness to explore the depths of the ocean. Its where we seek transformation and change.