New Moon in Virgo

With the sun and moon in this analytical, organised energy you well have felt the urge to sort your life out over the last couple of days! It's a great energy to set intentions around new healthy habits and routines.

This month 4 planets change signs and the great disruptor and the great awakener Uranus started its retrograde motion yesterday until 30th January, this will no doubt have quite an impact on the world, it will bring twists, turns and surprises.

We've also just had Pluto moving back into the 29th degree (the crisis degree) of Capricorn. Pluto is all about deconstruction before reconstruction so September and October will see a lot of deconstruction in things Capricorn-related such as maintaining the status quo, hierarchies, rules, traditions and big business. This is Pluto's last dip into Capricorn for a very long time so expect BIG disruptions in those areas. If you have any planets around 29 degrees you may well be feeling this more personally as in experiencing big endings and the feeling that huge changes are on the horizon.

Tomorrow Mars moves into Cancer until 4th November. This energy could bring in sudden mood changes, strong emotions and passive-aggressive behaviour but also a surge in needing to protect loved ones and/or to initiate a new move.

Throughout September we have a strong semi-square aspect between Saturn and Pluto, when these guys meet up in any way expect drama and intensity! If someone has this aspect in their chart they are likely to have ruthless determination, a need for control and power and will very likely experience huge transformation in their life over and over again. It’s a quite challenging aspect but great for endurance and stamina, it'll be very interesting to see how this manifests in the world… possible power struggles maybe…

To summarise a real change-up in energy in September and that's all before we even get into eclipse season in the second half of September but use the beautiful logical, discerning and grounded energy of Virgo to its full potential.

Caroline Tennent

I’m a web designer and I love creating beautiful, affordable websites that work hard for small businesses. Simply put, a business needs a website to reach more customers. It needs to look good but it also needs to work hard. That’s where I can help, I build cost-effective, good looking websites that are both mobile and google friendly.

Full Moon with a partial eclipse in Pisces


This month we are experiencing some strong and challenging aspects