Workshops and March Forecasts

So far February has been a brilliant month. I held a full moon circle for the Leo full moon at the wonderful Circle Healing Space in Wimborne with the beautiful Emma Sullivan.

The circle consisted of some meditation, astrology and sound healing with crystal bowls and we all got to release the stuff that no longer serves us. Emma and I are holding another circle for the Aries's new moon on the 21st of March. If you would like to join us please email me to book your space.

I also held my first workshop ‘Reading Your Own Birth Chart’ this month, which went really well. Six lovely women came along. I feel it’s important to keep the group small so that I can give everybody my full attention. It was lovely to see everyone leave with a deeper knowledge of their own birth chart enabling them to continue on their own astrological journey.

March will be a very big month astrologically. On the 7th Saturn enters Pisces. This planet will be in this sign for about 2 and a half to 3 years and signifies a shift for us collectively. Saturn (think sat ON!) represents tough love, responsibility, boundaries, limitations and patience and reminds us where we still have room to learn. As Pisces is the sign linked to illusions, dreams and the mystical it will be a reality check for us, maybe clarifying exactly what is illusion and what isn't. This will affect everybody but more so if you are Pisces sun, moon or have Pisces rising! My Pisces moon is ready and waiting!

Then we have a new moon in Aries on the 21st of March, the start of the astrological new year and Pluto entering Aquarius on the 23rd. This will be a huge week and has every indication of new beginnings, new seeds being planted and the people and community really starting to unite. I will be writing more on this next month so look out for updates on Insta and Facebook.

Above all just enjoy the journey beautiful souls, this sure is an interesting time to be alive!

Love and peace, Sophie xx


Energy update - spring equinox


New moon in Aquarius – 21st January