New moon in Aquarius – 21st January

I love Aquarian energy but then I would because it's my midheaven which means I subconsciously look to attain the qualities of Aquarius - they are the born humanitarians of the zodiac, the maverick, the rebel and the eccentric and it is ruled by Uranus the planet of radical change and the future.

You may have felt like you have had one foot in the old and one foot in the new for some time not able to make that final push but I believe that is all about to start to change for many of us and the collective in general.

 The new moon is especially powerful because it marks the lunar new year and it is at one degree of Aquarius which is very much an indication of a new beginning. Where does one degree of Aquarius fall in your chart? because that area of your life will very likely be being very activated right now.

 With Uranus and Mercury both going direct this week, all planets will be direct so things will move and change very quickly. Five planets are also in air signs so if you are an air sign, sun, moon or rising, expect ideas and inspiration to just come to you, innovative ideas and projects will start really driving forward. The old will fall away too very quickly, let it, it'll be replaced by better things and see it as being set free.

 Aquarius the water bearer is also very much about healing energy and if ever you wanted to try new ways of healing such as sound or breathwork, this would be an excellent time to do it. Fear, anger, impatience, sadness and other negative emotions drain us of our life force energy and can undermine our health. Combining sound with breathing and other therapies can have a profound effect on us transforming our energy, shifting emotions and healing.

"The future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies"

Albert Einstein

Have a wonderful new moon and don't forget to set a new intention!


Workshops and March Forecasts


Winter Solstice and new moon in Capricorn