Winter Solstice and new moon in Capricorn

Happy Winter Solstice, where exactly has 2022 gone? We are ascending as humanity and as we go through this massive surge in energy and consciousness, time is literally speeding up I'm sure of it. Winter solstice is a time for new beginnings and the light will start to slowly return.

We have a very powerful new moon coming up in Capricorn two days after the winter solstice and these few days will be a wonderful time to manifest what you want for the new year. Who are you going to be in 2023? Capricorn energy is tentatively stepping forward into the future, thinking first and acting later, it is ruled by Saturn (the planet of long-term achievements, limitations and responsibilities) and it steps in and pulls back on the reigns as it were, bringing discipline and patience which is of course necessary for any worthwhile project. Capricorn is a doer, it is practical and has its feet firmly on the ground so what you’ve dreamt about, start putting those plans down now and think of tangible ways to apply it to your life.

Do you know which house area Capricorn is in? If its in your 6th house then this would be a great time to manifest healthier habits and plan how you're going to actually do it. If it's in your 9th house it’s a fab time to sign up for a course to further your education or plan a holiday and if it's in your 11th house now’s the time to join a group and make new connections.

Around the same time, Jupiter moves into Aries as well, another cardinal sign and the first sign of the zodiac, so again this points towards new beginnings and doing, assertive energy and turning dreams into reality.

Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion too.

It’s also a good time to set boundaries and not spend time with energy vampires that drain your energy and take away your focus from what you intend on creating (always good of course but especially around the new moon!) A great book to read to find out more about energy vampires is ‘Dodging Energy Vampires: An Empath's Guide to Evading Relationships That Drain You and Restoring Your Health and Power’ by Christiane Northrup MD.

Have a wonderful winter break everyone, I for one cannot wait to see what the next year brings!


New moon in Aquarius – 21st January


The second rule of manifestation