New Moon in Sagittarius

The build-up to this new moon will bring to a conclusion, or massively highlight, something that has been a running theme for a while.

If you have planets on or around 2 degrees especially will be affected – let’s just say you’ll definitely know about it! It’s been quite a month because Pluto, the planet of rebirth, has been hanging around at that degree for some time.

Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, Leo and Aries will feel this one the most. Intuition for you guys will be very heightened.

The full moon will also be in an opposition to Jupiter and Venus which are both at 29 degrees (the anaretic degree in astrology and last degree before they both tip into Gemini).

This has a high probability of manifesting financially in some way.

If you're born under a Sagittarius moon you're likely to have a need to never stop learning, generally have a positive outlook and can't deal with feeling claustrophobic. Sagittarians love a challenge -they thrive on it even, and look to set the next goal as soon as the last is achieved. Mutable fire energy causes restlessness and repetition is not something Sagittarians cope with well, they define the term 'free spirit'.


A week for future vision and manifestation


New Moon in Taurus