Once in a blue moon

Just when you thought it all might calm down in the cosmos after crazy Lionsgate, we have Mercury going retrograde in Virgo and a full blue moon in Pisces to contend with this week and next!

Mercury will join 5 other planets in retrograde which means you might feel like you are getting nowhere fast or going over old ground/going around in circles especially within relationships that have already been challenging recently (due to that Venus retrograde) and now communication might be even more challenging too.

The good news is the Sun moving into Virgo on the same day means the general energy will be more grounded and calm and less feisty

The blue supermoon (30/31 August) will be stunning to see if we have clear skies and the build up could be interesting one way or the other. Something that's been brewing for a while could seriously come to a head, especially if you're Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio Sun, moon or rising but your intuition will be off the dial so listen carefully to it.


Saturn Goes Direct


Welcome to June